249: Learning And Growing With Grace Armani

Grace Armani is a visionary and creative entrepreneur.  She is dedicated to producing high quality content of empowering,Learning And Growing With Grace Armani inspirational, uplifting, and purposeful messages to assist entrepreneurs, creative souls and free-spirits alike in their journey to design an abundant life of passion, success, creativity, beauty, love, joy, adventure and ambition.

Grace used to be shy and would never express her true self but a series of experiences helped her to keep learning and growing into her life’s purpose.  Tune into today’s episode to listen to her story and tips that you can use in your own journey.


Grace Armani is a visionary and creative entrepreneur.

Cultural Background

Grace is of Korean descent.

Favorite Self Confidence Quote

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.

Definition of Self Confidence

Self-confidence means having the confidence to love one’s self, first and foremost, especially in an age where pop culture and media says to otherwise; Self-confidence, self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, self-realization, self-actualization, self-care, self-reliant, self-less, self-encouragement. When we begin by loving ourselves first, we are then fully capable to love, help and transform the world effectively. It takes immense self-love and courage to look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself that you are worthy of everything you desire and not break down into tears of shame/guilt but burst tears with joy. Self-confidence means having the confidence to listen to your heart and intuition, despite what others may say, and to take action from that place of self-knowing.

Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence

Before finding my inner self-confidence, Grace was a very timid, shy, self-conscious, soft-spoken, hide-in- the-background kind of girl. She struggled with expressing her emotions and thoughts, which taught her that opening up and expressing her being was dangerous; and if she did voice her opinion, it was always overlooked or brushed aside because she lacked self-worth and belief in heself. As hurtful as these experiences have been, I am grateful for them now because I was

The “AHA” Moment

Grace’s AHA moments are really a series of life events and a deep dark night of the soul, which was the final push to awaken her to her full potential and life’s purpose four years ago.

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Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence

Life nowadays for Grace is utterly magical and limitless. Every day is an opportunity to connect with and inspire people around the world, sharing hope, light and love.

The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener

Love and care for yourself, then you can fully and effectively serve others.  Have an attitude of gratitude for everything, the ups and the downs.  Choose to see the beauty in every circumstance, person and within yourself.

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