885: Being Seen and Heard With Kathleen Wong

Kathleen Wong is the Head of Supplier Diversity at Adobe where she leads the company’s efforts to foster a more inclusive and sustainable supply chain, aligning with the company’s core values and strategic objectives.  Under her leadership, Adobe has achieved significant milestones in data center sustainability and supplier diversity and inclusion, becoming a recognized leader in the software sector and beyond. She has received multiple awards for my contributions, including Adobe’s prestigious Founders Award and Procurement Excellence Awards. She also engages with the wider community, volunteering with local non-profits and advising other sustainability professionals. She hold an MBA in Sustainable Management from Presidio Graduate School, where she learned how to apply a systems-thinking mindset and business acumen to any challenge or opportunity. She is driven by a vision of creating a better solution for all.

Kathleen shares her story about how being seen and heard n her company for her work led her to more confidence in her career.  It also helped her see herself as a leader in her own right.  Kathleen is also part of USPAACC WISE, a program intended for AAPI Women that would strategically address core issues and create lasting impact in their professional and personal lives, thus empowering and uplifting them in creating and choosing their own personal choices.


Kathleen Wong is the Head of Supplier Diversity at Adobe.

Cultural Background

Kathleen is of Chinese descent.

Favorite Self Confidence Quote

Be Bold, Be Brief, Be Gone.

Definition of Self Confidence

Self-confidence is being the most prepared person in the room.

Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence

Kathleen joined Adobe straight out of UC Berkeley undergrad to a brand new role where she was asked to pioneer their approach to supply chain social responsibility. At this large, multi-national company, she had imposter syndrome every step of the way, but managed to overcome it by being resourceful, following industry leaders and blogs, and seeking out benchmarking data to back up her program design.

The “AHA” Moment

Kathleen had two AHA moments.  The first one was receiving Adobe’s Founders Award, a company-wide recognition for her work in founding the Supplier Diversity program.  The second one was when she got invited to the board room. In 2020, corporate diversity efforts were examined more closely and she was invited to offer a proposal to C-suite for how the company might make more meaningful efforts to support diverse and small businesses through their corporate purchasing strategy.

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Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence

The recognition Kathleen received for pioneering the Supplier Diversity program and being invited to the board room were significant milestones that validated her journey. With each success, her confidence grew, and she began to see herself not just as a participant but as a leader contributing meaningfully to initiatives that aligned with her values.

Self-confidence wasn’t just about personal validation; it translated into more significant impacts within the company. It allowed Kathleen to advocate for change, champion new ideas, and collaborate with diverse voices, knowing that her preparation and dedication fortified the foundation of her confidence.

The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener

Preparation is key: Strive to be the most prepared person in any room or situation. The confidence derived from thorough research, knowledge, and readiness is unparalleled.

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