Scarlett Hao is an influencer, marketer and activist. She started off her fashion career as a fashion PR and Social Media Specialist, she logged in years of managing social media channels for fashion media and brands. In 2015, Scarlett founded ScarlettHalo to chronicle her personal style and lifestyle to empower and inspire women all over the world. As a curvy woman herself, she helps them discover their true beauty and gives them the confidence they need to feel beautiful beyond size and body type. Within a short period of time, 100k+ people have subscribed to her social channels channel. Scarlett’s goal is to encourage, motivate, educate, and inspire all size women across the globe through her personal style, runway trends, beauty secrets, and fashion tips. She believes there should be #nolabel in fashion or beauty, confidence and be yourself is the slogan for all women.
Scarlett shares why it’s important to love yourself and your body type, how she discovered body positivity and why it is so important for her to an activist for body positivity especially as an Asian woman.
Scarlett Hao is an influencer, marketer and activist.
Cultural Background
Scarlett is of Chinese descent
Favorite Self Confidence Quote
You can look as fashionable as possible no matter what size or what race you are.
Definition of Self Confidence
Self confidence is accepting and loving yourself.
Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence
Scarlett was teased a lot in high school since she had a bigger body type than most of the girls in China. She started to lose weight so that she can fit the clothes she liked to wear but it made her unhappy.
The “AHA” Moment
Scarlett realized that her body type is her body type. When she moved the United States, she found out about body positivity and become an activist for body positivity.
Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence
Scarlett is now doing what she can to be the Asian representation for the plus size community and helps the community as much as she can.
The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener
Be present and stop comparing yourself to others.