219: Own Who You Are With Jia Ni Teo

Jia Ni Teo is a Success Coach to New Coaches and Entrepreneurs.  She runs an international boutique coaching business, guiding Own Who You Are With Jia Ni Teoclients all over the world to make their business and lifestyle visions a reality. She believes in the power of declaring your dreams, goals, aspirations, grand vision and she also believes that in this exciting day and age we can all consciously design and curate our own lives.

For Jia Ni to help others create a life they can truly call their own, she had to create her dream life first.  She knew she had to own who she was so that she help others do the same.  Listen to her episode as she shares her story and tips on how she did it.


Jia Ni Teo is a Success Coach to New Coaches and Entrepreneurs.

Cultural Background

Jia Ni is of Malaysian and Chinese descent.

Favorite Self Confidence Quote

Own who you are.

Own who you are.

Definition of Self Confidence

Being able to own all of who you are, thus having the ability to allow yourself to show up fully in all areas of your life, uniquely expressing yourself in the world.

Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence

There was certainly a lot of ‘I hope this is OK for me to do/be/have.’, hiding, people pleasing, fear of outshining others, unhealthy shame, fear of being judged in her life.

The “AHA” Moment

It was a series of incidents leading to a big AHA moment. Jia Ni started being more aware and interested in personal development, which led her to books, courses, mentors. She started feeling unsatisfied with the way she was showing up for her life.  She remembered one of her mentors who lovingly said to me “It is your responsibility (to your soul), to live your life fully – and nobody else can do it for you but you.”

In that moment, everything she had learnt felt like it clicked into place and she felt the importance of how much she requires to take responsibility for herself and her life.

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Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence

It’s been a journey filled with all kinds of emotions! From joy, fulfilment, to courage as Jia Ni required to continue stepping out of her comfort zone, brave her fears, and say YES to herself.

The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener

To take ownership of your life. be 100% responsible for your own life is one of the most powerful things we as women can have (and be a beautiful example to others as well).

Interview Links

Bonus:  Self Confidence Resources

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