Shalonda Gordon is known as the Online Marketing Angel, teaching others how to build a successful business on the Internet while having a life.
Back then, Shalonda was too afraid to speak her voice especially when she moved to the United States. Because she was never exposed to discrimination due to the color of her skin, it was a shock for her. Not being able to speak her voice destroyed her self confidence and led her to a path of self destruction.
Find out in this episode what made Shalonda realize that she was born into greatness and how you can apply it in your own life.
Shalonda Gordon is an online marketing consultant known as the Online Marketing Angel.
Cultural Background
Shalonda is of African American and American Indian descent.
Favorite Self Confidence Quote
One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.
Definition of Self Confidence
Believing in yourself even through your faults.
Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence
Shalonda wasn’t living life. Instead life was living her.
Living in Germany, Shalonda always considered herself as an American and always had the opportunity to speak her voice. When she moved to the United States at 18, she realized that she couldn’t speak her voice because of the color of her skin which destroyed her self confidence.
The “AHA” Moment
Having her daughters saved her. Shalonda knew she had to be a woman that her daughters can look upto and she realized the her greatness was inside of her. That she was born with greatness.
Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence
After what she knows now, Shalonda has never looked back. She keeps moving forward. She still faces struggles but looks at them differently and tackles them differently. Shalonda is more aware with her surroundings and responds to them differently.
The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener
Remember that your greatness is inside of you, not something added to you based on outside things. You were born GREAT! You were born AMAZING! You are living proof that this world needs your smile.