April Cuenca is a successful entrepreneur with her travel online booking company called fliptrip.ph and was also known as the top ten female entrepreneurs in the Philippines who smashed the glass ceiling.
When April was younger, she was not as confident as she is today since she never thought she was beautiful or capable of living her dreams.
In this episode, you will learn how beauty and self confidence do connect with each other and how you can overcome it like April.
April Cuenca is the co-founder of Flip Trip, an online booking platform where you can book destinations within the Philippines.
Cultural Background
April is of Filipino descent, born and raised in the Philippines.
Favorite Self Confidence Quote
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Definition of Self Confidence
Believe in yourself and you can do what anybody else can do.
Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence
April grew up with the ugly duckling syndrome. She had sisters who had pale white skin which is the standard of beauty in the Philippines.
Since April had darker skin, she always thought she was never pretty and because of that also had low self esteem.
The “AHA” Moment
April realized her true potential while she was in college. She stopped caring about what others thought about her and the standard of beauty in the Philippines. She decided to go after her dreams.
Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence
April gets to live her dream by travelling and turning it into a successful business with her company.
The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener
Never apologize for being who you are. Do what you believe you should do.
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